Rapid Test Kits

  • Vitassay

    Vitassay develops and distributes reliable and certified solutions for the early detection of different pathogens which cause infectious diseases in humans.

    Our greatest asset is to offer a complete service for every customer to exceed their expectations and provide sustainable value. We use all our technical and human resources to provide comprehensive advice across the international market, always under strict quality control and care in all our processes.

  • I-Med

    I-Med Laboratories Company Limited or i+MED Laboratories Co., Ltd. was established on September 17, 2001, located at Ayothaya Tower, Ratchadapisek Road. Bangkok. It is a company that operates in the manufacturing business, medical equipment and related businesses Its main business model is the production of rapid medical diagnostic kits. Also known as “Rapid Diagnostic Test” that uses the principle Chromatographic Immunoassay as a qualitative screening kit. For the detection of antibodies or antigens against infectious agents or hormones of specimens (Samples) in humans, animals, plants or components of some substances.

    Alpha Thal (Hb H) Rapid Testing

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